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Surf Board Leashes - Finding the Ideal One for You

Published by Jacquelyn Young  - Categories:  #Accessories

Costa Rica August

There are numerous factors you must take for consideration when obtaining surf board leashes and you must also be aware that some leashes are not equal. This is why you should be aware of the factors you should bear in mind whenever you are seeking for the right surf board leash. It is because this can make a difference when surfing on huge or small waves.One of the factors that you need to consider is the length of surf board leashes. Your leash should be at least as long as your surf board. This lets enough room between you and your board when taking a mullering. 

If your leash is a bit short, you will find yourself being hit by the board or hitting your board. Bear in mind that different manufacturers will list the leash’s length as the length of the cord and will not include the cuff or rail saver.

For you to make sure this when shopping, you must ask your surf shop. If you are new to surfing, obtaining a leash that is over a foot longer compared to your surf board is a great choice. If you desire to take control of your board, you should choose the leash that’s about six inches longer than your surf board. If you like surfing in big waves, you will need long leash. 

Surftech Robert August

This is because the bigger the ocean waves, the longer your surf board leash is needed. Another thing to remember in terms of the length of surf board leashes is that these might stretch when used always. Surfing in bigger waves will increase the length of leash.Another factor you should consider is the swivels. These will keep your surf board leashes from getting tangled around your feet, which isn’t only annoying, but also this can be a bit hazardous. Experts recommend acquiring a leash with at least a swivel, but obtaining a leash with two swivels are also great.

When the surf board leashes’ thickness matter, the thicker your leash is, the drag is much better. In surfing competitions or surfing small waves, it is vital to get a thinner leash that will create less drag and would make it much easier to catch waves. For daily use or surfing in bigger waves, it is best to get the thicker leash. The thicker surf board leashes are popular to less likely to snap and last longer.


About this blog

Surf board leashes have been around since 1971 and they play a crucial role in the surfing world today. They are important surfing accessories while on the water.